A study guide for obtaining your degrees in Equine Studies... (In one easy lifetime lesson) This study guide will take the reader through virtually, (well just about) everything you can think of when it comes to owning horses, the knowledge required, and the truly bad things that can happen when you are not prepared for it. You will hopefully learn your lessons from the mistakes of other less fortunate failing students of the Equiknowlogy program enrolled one of other degree programs. The ones that didn't take the time to study before getting acquainted with the realities of graduating from Buck Off U. (University), and the You Can't Ride Pretty school for first time horse buyers.
The home school study program for hard knocks and reality, and making a lot of contributions to the Foundation for Clinicitis, RFD, Yahoo, and the home for unwanted horses and uneducated owners. This study guide is based on true life stories, questions and lessons learned from real people just like you. Just everyday folks who have made the ill-advised attempt to get a horse, ride or do just about anything else you can think of in the equine world, before completing, (or at least getting an good handle on) their studies at Whisper This... College of Equiknowlogy... These lessons are what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. Hopefully what happened to these folks in these studies won't happen you! Now, if your thinking, It's not worth the money and I all ready know this stuff, so I won't buy it... Fine with me! I have good horses and enough money to eat on... The price you will pay for that 1200 pound lawn ornament you are about to buy and the money you spend in the future will be a whole lot more... One way or the other you'll pay! And good luck to ya! You just might make the revised edition of the next study guide!
E-Book (only available through Amazon) $6.95
Paperback $10.95 (plus $3.75 shipping) Overseas purchases please go through Amazon due to shipping costs.. Thank you!
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