Hello Friends, It seems we’ve about seen the last of warm weather up here in the North country… The green is about gone and the horses are shedding. Yet another year has come and gone. This year has been marked … Continue reading →
It seems we’ve about seen the last of warm weather up here in the North country… The green is about gone and the horses are shedding. Yet another year has come and gone. This year has been marked with some ups and downs but over all we’ve had it pretty good! Our work with Inner City Slickers this summer has been most rewarding and we are looking forward to getting an event or two going here in Wisconsin next year. I want to thank all the folks that have sponsored our clinics this summer and all the folks that have allowed me to help them and their horses. Thanks goes out to all the folks that have read my books or watched the DVDs and the short vids Vickie and I have put together on You Tube. I hope you enjoyed them and hopefully learned a bit from them too!
Every once in a while someone takes the time to write to me and let me know that the work I’m doing is appreciated and helpful and it sure is good to know that there are still folks out there that do take the time to say a good word or write a review to let you know how your doing and help us improve as well. Here is a letter I received from a very nice lady that I thought you would like to read. I’m always open and appreciative of the reviews (good or bad) that I get back on FB or read on amazon about my DVDs, books, training, and what not and I take every one as a learning experience that I can use to make things better in the future! So please take the time to write those reviews! We like to hear what you have to say. Have a great fall my friends and we’ll see at the winter quarters real soon!
Here is the letter:
Hi Smokey,
(Late last winter I purchased a copy of ‘Whisper This’ when I was starting to shop for the mare I purchased in the late spring. In my mind there is a ton of solid info in there regarding staying on track with what is most important to consider when taking on a horse. Most especially for beginners who need the most help, lets just say it like it is, getting ahold of a horse that is not too much for you is a huge deal. So that is a book I would absolutely recommend to anyone, hands down.)