Hello Friends, I’ve been pretty busy these last months starting colts and helping folks with their horses. But occasionally things happen that makes things difficult and dangerous for those of us that work with other folks horses.. One such case … Continue reading →
I’ve been pretty busy these last months starting colts and helping folks with their horses. But occasionally things happen that makes things difficult and dangerous for those of us that work with other folks horses.. One such case is the horse I just sent home. This horse came in for a restart after he displayed a marked change in his attitude. with rearing up, bucking, not taking the bit etc. Most I thought was probably just bad manners and habits and not getting the proper start in the first place. However…. That was not the case. Turns out that this horse had numerous physical and mental problems associated with conditions the owner ether knowingly or not, left out when she described her horse. She did mention that this horse had Lyme disease and Anna Plasmosis last year which could contribute to his problems but the one she left out was that this horse had EPM before that.. Had I known that I probably wouldn’t have even gotten on this knot head in the first place, and explains a number of his physical and mental problems. Please folks, be honest with your trainers and tell them everything about your horse. We take a risk for you by just getting on your horse and trying to fix the problems your having or help make him better. We don’t want to unknowingly get on something that could very well be very dangerous for us and him based on his physical and mental problems. Sometimes horses just can’t be fixed and it’s to dangerous to try.. This was one of them, and I got busted up trying because his issues were from something that none of us could have fixed. Luckily, I will heal up but its getting harder at my age to do it fast and when your charging 10 bucks a day to get on something the owner doesn’t want to get on, it aint worth the trouble.. Read my books and go get yourself a good horse and we will both be better off.