Hello Friends, Please check out my companion website I just put up at: http://www.equinetraining101.com I will be adding to it from time to time as well but for now it is my first attempt at making one. It might become … Continue reading →
Please check out my companion website I just put up at:
I will be adding to it from time to time as well but for now it is my first attempt at making one. It might become the home for the Whisper This… College of Equiknowlogy, we shall see!
Well our new book Equiknowlogy 101… is at the printers going through the final reviews before printing! I am really charged up about this new book and I hope that you all will enjoy it! Look for it on my site hopefully next month.
Also I should have the colt starting video series on the site in short order as well. I will tell you that this DVD series is a boxed set of 6 DVDs taking you from day one on Yukon’s starting, on through his first ride outside on day 12 showing you everything we did together from round pen work, to ground work, saddling, the first ride and more! I looked at other videos from the other noted trainers and clinicians and I think you will appreciate this one as much or more.. Not only because it shows you the hows and whys of starting a colt, or working with other horses, but for what is not in it.. Music, special effects, and perfect movie quality.. Because this is how it’s like in the real world of training not how it’s like in the studio. Not only that, those famous folks have lots of bucks wrapped up in those fancy covers, editing and production, so their price reflects that. The ones I looked at range from $150.00 to well over $800.00 for multiple DVDs. With this one I will give you the same education without the special effects for less than a hundred bucks! WAY LESS! Sound good to you? Drop my a line if you want to be one of the first ones to get this set.. Right now it looks like I will be making these one at a time to hold my cost down and the cost to you. So if you want one get on the list or you might have to wait awhile!
That’s it for now friends so Best wishes to you and “Just Ride”!